3 Year Physical Development

Each parent whose child has reached the age of 2 has heard of the famous 2-year-old syndrome somewhere and is more or less worried about this year. However, a child who has reached the age of 2 actually is expected to have such beautiful stages of development that many parents say that they have had not a difficult, but a pleasant and exciting year at the end of the 3rd. You can enjoy yourself this year by focusing on a year full of exciting successes, not a full year of crisis.

Growth and Development Tracking

In the 3rd year, toddlers will show significant improvement in both height and weight. The growth rate will not be as fast as the first year, but at the second year. You can follow the growth of your toddler with percentile tables and curves.

Büyüme gelişmesi – persantil hesaplaması için tıklayınız. 

  • Many toddlers who have completed the 24th month can say more than 50 words, they can combine the words around in the 25 months and start to make simple sentences.
  • When he is 25 months old, he can understand and perform 2 step commands.
  • After the 27th month, many children can wash and dry their hands and brush their teeth when they are helped. He can jump and wear a piece of clothing without help. He can make a tower by placing 8 cubes on top of each other.

Many children are now ready to get toilet training after the 28th month. But as always, keep in mind that not every child comes to this stage at the same time, some earlier and some later. Here are some tips for your toddler indicating whether he is ready. Children often wet their diaper because they have almost no bladder control until approximately 20 months of age. It is not realistic to impose toilet training on them until this month. If your child stays dry for 1 or rarely for 2 hours and wakes up at night when he is wet, he may be ready to start toilet training. If your child has started to make his poop at a certain time, that is, always after breakfast or always before bedtime, you know when to place him on toilet seat; it is an appropriate stage for toilet training. Some children may be annoyed when the diaper gets dirty. This is a good opportunity to start toilet training.

Between the 28th and 30th months, he can know the names of his 6 organ. He can recognize a picture of 4 objects you’re pointing out

Many children can brush their teeth with some help from the 31st month. He can build a tower with at least 6 cubes.

From the 34th month on, he can recognize 4 objects from their images. He can wash and dry his hands. At least half of what he says is understandable. He can throw the ball with his hands.

In the third year, some toddlers are interested in numbers and letters, but this is not the case in every child. If your child is not interested in letters or numbers, do not force him.

Most children who have finished 2 years of age have 16 teeth. 4 more teeth grow in the age 3; 4 pieces upper and lower rear molars will grow in the 24-36th months. Your toddler continues with his milk teeth until the age of 6 – 7. Permanent teeth begin to grow in the ages of 6-7.

Apart from these, some of the children who have completed the 36th month can use 2 or more adjectives (such as yellow, large), wear a T-shirt on their own, jump forward at long intervals, stand on each foot for at least 2 seconds, and explain what two different objects are for and what they are used for. Even a small part of children who have completed their 3rd year can copy it if you draw a circle, prepare a bowl of cereals, get dressed without help, recognize 4 colours. However, every toddler does not achieve these stages of development in these months, some may achieve later.

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