Развитие на бебето
0 – 3 Month Physical Development
Coming into the world is quite an adventure for a tiny newborn. This smallest and newest member of your house is not yet familiar with those around him, and he is not very aware of his own needs.
0 – 3 Months Spiritual and Social Development
The first 3 months are the months when babies get used to the world. During these months, they learn to feel comfortable and safe. By supporting him in this important process, you can make him gain his trust quickly and feel comfortable.
0 – 3 Month Nutrition Development
It is known that the most suitable food for the baby in the first 6 months is only breast milk. Breast milk contains many compounds not found in cow's milk or formula.
4 – 6 Month Physical Development
4-6. Sweet and new excitements await you in the months ahead. During these months, your baby will also begin to react actively to the person who takes care of him. This is when your baby will begin to sleep and eat more regularly.
4 – 6 Months Spiritual and Social Development
4-6. Your baby starts to communicate using his voice, movements, and facial expression. When you show and shake his toy, he smiles and expresses that he wants to play by shaking his hands and legs.
4 – 6 Month Nutrition Development
4-6. It would be correct to continue breast milk in the last few months. But starting from these months, breast milk begins to be insufficient to meet the needs of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to start with more dense foods.
7 – 9 Month Physical Development
7-9. These are the months when your baby will be more active, meet new foods, learn new games, and learn and develop communication with people.
7 – 9 Months Spiritual and Social Development
7-9. Your baby starts to learn to think and problem solve. When the toy falls on the ground, it can bend over to see where it's going, watching you and your movements and starting to understand what's going on.
7 – 9 Month Nutrition Development
During these months, you should continue to breastfeed. In addition to breast milk, give additional foods in the morning, lunch, and evening meals. You can give your baby breast milk if he wakes up at night.
10 – 12 Month Physical Development
As the baby approaches their 1st year on earth, they also begin to specialize in communicating. It will be a source of happiness for you if your baby can express what he wants in a way that you can understand.
10 – 12 Month Spiritual and Social Development
During these months, your baby understands more words than he can say. As it begins to understand what you say, it also begins to fulfill your wishes, which you say in one step and without pointing. “
10 – 12 Month Nutrition Development
Your baby is now acquainted with almost all nutrients, including some that are on your own adult table. During these months, you may have started to think about weaning.
2 Year Physical Development
Your child probably had a few teeth when he celebrated his first birthday. But teething, like any other developmental stage, can vary greatly from child to child.
2 Year Spiritual and Social Development
Your child is 17-18. In months, he will start laughing at funny things. He may have been giving you smiles since the first months, but he will now be able to laugh by finding and understanding things funny.
2 Year Nutrition Development
While your 2-year-old now knows the taste of many foods, there is even more that he hasn't tasted yet. You must be patient when introducing your child to new foods.
3 Year Physical Development
Every parent whose child is 2 years old has heard of the famous "2 year old syndrome" from somewhere and is more or less worried about this year. You can enjoy yourself not a crisis-filled year, but a year full of exciting achievements.
3 Year Spiritual and Social Development
From the 34th month, he can recognize a friend by name. Some children may make an imaginary friend and name it. Can maintain 2-3 sentence conversations; At this age, your child will reach a level where they can chat with you.
3 Year Nutrition Development
Your child, who is 2 years old, has now tasted almost every food. Age 3 is an important age for you to establish healthy eating habits.
4 – 5 Years Physical Development
In this year, it will reach approximately 2 times its birth length. However, this is not a rule. If your child continues to grow in line with his/her own developmental line, this is normal, avoid comparing him/her to other children.
4 – 5 Years Spiritual and Social Development
The 4th and 5th years are the pre-school period. During these years, your child will experience important social and spiritual developments in preparation for school with the support of you and, if participating, the playgroups.
4 – 5 Years Nutrition Development
A well-nourished child develops well and feels good. Proper and healthy nutrition is also important for your child's mental health. At this age, your child can eat whatever you eat.